Monday, November 16, 2009

Light Ahead

Today is the first day of my new training cycle. I'll be posting the daily details of my workout on a blog I set up just for that: All My Progress. I'll be updating weekly, especially in relation to my cooking/nutrition plans on this blog. So there will be some overlap. :)

I'm using a plan based off Lou Schuler's The New Rules of Lifting for Women. It's a great back-to-basics book. I have tendency to jump in with both feet and overwork myself, so I wanted something that was structured and easy to come back to if I get off track during the very hectic next two months. Holidays, possible deployments, travel, trying to figure out this whole parenting thing.

My first 4 weeks of Strength Training:
The New Rules of Lifting for Women
Stage: 1
Workout: A
Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A. Squat
Workout 1 2 15 60
Workout 2 2 15 60
Workout 3 2 12 60
Workout 4 2 12 60

B1. Push Up
Workout 1 2 15 60
Workout 2 2 15 60
Workout 3 2 12 60
Workout 4 2 12 60

B2. Seated Row
Workout 1 2 15 60
Workout 2 2 15 60
Workout 3 2 12 60
Workout 4 2 12 60

C1. Step Up
Workout 1 2 15 60
Workout 2 2 15 60
Workout 3 2 12 60
Workout 4 2 12 60

C2. Prone Jackknife
Workout 1 2 8 60
Workout 2 2 8 60
Workout 3 2 10 60
Workout 4 2 10 60

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